Cyber Awareness Training = Your Best Friend… Hear me out..

Jan 22, 2024

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Have you ever considered taking a cybersecurity awareness course? If not, let me paint a picture for you. Imagine you’re a knight in a grand medieval castle. Your armour? Shiny.. Your sword? Sharp.. But there’s just one tiny problem — you have absolutely no idea how to actually use your sword or armour to protect yourself or how to identify the enemy. That’s a bit like having all the high-tech tools at your disposal but not knowing the first thing about digital threats. Not ideal, right?Now, let’s dive into why a cybersecurity awareness course is not just another item that should be on your to-do list, but rather an essential shield in your armoury, especially in today’s digital landscape where the significance of such training becomes glaringly apparent, particularly when we look at some historical blunders that could have been avoided with a little more cyber-savviness.

A Tale of Caution: The Human Error Factor

First things first, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room: human error. It’s often the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. You can have all the Technology in the work, all the processes in the world, but if you or your associates are not clued up on cyber threats then human error is going to be prone. According to various, reputable online sources, around 80% of cyber breaches could be prevented by basic cybersecurity training an addition to other preventative methods. That’s a huge number, indicating just how many digital mishaps can be avoided.Let’s consider the notorious example of the 2013 Target data breach. It was a massive security lapse leading to the theft of data from 40 million credit and debit cards resulting in a Lawsuit of $18.5 million and the resignation of their CEO. The root cause? A phishing email that caught out an employee at a third-party vendor. This breach highlighted how one click on a malicious link by an unaware employee could open the floodgates to disaster. Now just imagine this employee had completed regular awareness training.

The Art of Dodging Digital Pitfalls

A well-structured cybersecurity awareness course is akin to a comprehensive guide on dodging digital pitfalls. It’s not just about understanding the various types of cyber threats, like malware, phishing, or ransomware. It’s also about learning the art of scepticism. For instance, learning to double-check URLs, question odd email requests, and not blindly trust every attachment that lands in your inbox all very simple things that go over our heads.Remember the 2016 incident with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in the United States? If not, a simple phishing scam led to a massive email leak. Cybersecurity training could have potentially saved the DNC from this high-profile mishap which can now be found on Wikipedia, not great for maintaining a good reputation right?

Democratic National Committee cyber attacks — Wikipedia

Beyond the Basics: A Culture of Security

Let’s not just stick to the basics. A good cybersecurity awareness course goes beyond teaching you about threats. It’s about instilling a culture of security. It’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’ For example, why should you regularly update your passwords? Why is it important to report a suspicious email? When everyone understands the rationale behind these practices, we’re all more likely to take them seriously.Think about the Sony Pictures hack in 2014. It was a calamity of epic proportions, involving the leak of personal information, emails, and even unreleased films. It’s widely speculated that a lack of awareness among employees about cybersecurity practices played a role in this attack. It is possible that if there had been more robust cybersecurity awareness and training in place, employees might have been better equipped to recognise and respond to the signs of a breach.

Creating Digital Superheroes

So, what does a cybersecurity course actually do? It turns employees and individuals into digital superheroes. Each person becomes a vigilant guardian of their digital realm, equipped to spot and thwart hacking attempts such as Phishing. This collective defence mechanism is vital because, in the cyber world, the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.Remember the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017? It wreaked havoc globally, affecting organisations like the UK’s National Health Service. The attack exploited vulnerabilities that could have been mitigated with updated systems and more importantly, with a workforce trained in cybersecurity awareness.

In Conclusion: Your Invisible Cyber Shield

In conclusion, enrolling in a cybersecurity awareness course is not just a precaution; it’s a necessity. In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, being prepared is not just about having the tools; it’s about knowing how to use them. It’s about transforming from a potential security risk into a proactive defender of their digital world.So remember, a cybersecurity awareness course is not just another training session. It’s your opportunity to be that well-trained knight, ready to protect your digital kingdom with both knowledge and skill. And in the realm of cyberspace, that’s a power worth having!

If you’re interested in completing a cybersecurity awareness course for yourself or potentially for your team, visit our website here. Alternatively, you can schedule in a 15-minute call with a member of our team here, and we’ll be able to answer any questions you may have.Remember, our mission is to make the world a safer place by raising awareness of cyber threats and promoting best practices for online security.